Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Last Day Affiliate Update

Okay, everyone is doing great...and as a bonus for you, I've removed the popover for the next 24 hours so you'll get more immediate sales!

I've already seen a huge spike thanks to a couple of things...

a) removing the popover
b) this is the final 24 hours so people are reacting to the deadline
c) almost everyone is back to work today and catching up on emails and looking for that perfect New Year's fat loss program

So keep emailing and blogging and talking about TT!

Here's the contest is a very tight race for positions 2-5 (and some people ready to crack the top 5) so do your best today!

And I've added a new prize for the person who makes the last affiliate sale before midnight, EST, tonight! So don't give up!

1) M231G
2) NoNonsense
3) Scott
4) Skwigg
5) HCSecrets

Good luck!
